Our story

The beginning of a friendship
The story starts in engineering school, where the two co-founders, Philippe and Thibaut, became friends.
During an entrepreneurial event uniting different engineering schools, the idea of solving the children's drowning problem thanks to an anti-drowning T-shirt sees the light of day.
Convinced by the idea but still students, they didn’t immediately start, and after they got their degrees, they worked separately, in the aeronautical industry.

May 2021
Why we decided to take the plunge
On a weekend out, Philippe witnessed a child drowning, just a few metres away.
This tragic event has been the trigger to set up this project, that would be impactful and useful to society.
In 2021, even with all the new products being created each year, there were no more solutions to drowning than there were back then.

December 2021
Creation of the company
The company is officially created with first fundings to accelerate the development of the anti-drowning T-shirt. The Floatee adventure starts for real!

The anti-drowning T-shirt's birth
2022 was a pivotal year for Floatee. After tens of prototypes and relentless development leading to certification, we finally start to sell the anti-drowning T-shirt!

January 2023
"Qui Veut Être Mon Associé ?" - the French Shark Tank
Our appearance on this French TV top show made some noise! "If you hear the other proposals, I withdraw my offer"... After this thunderclap from Anthony Bourbon, we have a new associate on board!

May 2023
Gold medal in Concours Lépine
This is THE recognition that the anti-drowning T-shirt is an actual innovative solution to save lives! The Concours Lépine is an extremely prestigious price for invention makers in France, also well-known in the international sphere.

Summer 2023
Lives saved
The best of all rewards... Out of the 7000 protected families, several lives have been saved as per the spontaneous testimonies of mums that contacted us afterwards.
Within our first year of commercialization, we already fulfilled our mission ❤️

Beginning 2024
The anti-drowning T-shirt's birth... for adults
Floatee has launched a new anti-drowning product! This time, it's aimed at adults, who are also particularly affected. Manual activation for in-water activities, or automatic activation for activities out of water.

September 2024
Our first international exhibition
The Kind + Jugend trade fair in Germany is Europe's largest nursery trade fair. Taking part gave us the opportunity to make ourselves known to an ever-growing number of distributors - a great endorsement for our anti-drowning innovation!

November 2024
A new partner over 2,000 kilometres away
In addition to our many French-speaking distributors, the anti-drowning T-shirt is now also available at Smartasaker, a Swedish shop that also covers Norway and Finland. The international market is opening up to us.

Even more innovation to come
With a new product, but also increased international development.
A dynamic, committed team driven by the company's mission

Ludivine - products
Evan - communication
Ludovic - finance
Alexandre - sales
Nicolas - e-commerce and digital
Thibaut - co-founder and industrial director
Mélanie - communication
Philippine - products
Philippe - co-founder and CEO
Camille - e-commerce
Alexis - sales
Yanice - production