Home The anti-drowning T-shirt's purpose

The anti-drowning T-shirt's purpose

Why Floatee?


an underestimated risk

500 drown children per year in France

when not supposed to go into the water

despite the mandatory protections

Our solution:

the anti-drowning T-shirt

An everyday T-shirt to wear out of water

which saves your child if falling in water

by automatic inflation

Floatee, le tee-shirt anti-noyade médaille d'or du Concours Lépine 2023

Several lives

saved already!

Thanks to a european certified product

which received multiple awards

and adopted by experts and parents

See the product

1. Drowning, an underestimated risk

500 children drown per year in France

Drowning is the children's leading cause of day-to-day accidents. (source: Santé Publique France)

70% of drowning occurs in private pools, and children between the ages of 1 and 6 years old are particularly affected.

Every summer, authorities warn us about the increased risk of drowning and remind good practices to us. But nevertheless, every year in France, in summer, around 500 children under the age of 6 drown. More information on our study on 2023 drowning figures in France.

When the child is not supposed to go into the water

Armbands, swimming rings, etc. are worn by children when they are authorized to bath or swim, but not out of the water because not practical.

Also, this equipment don’t protect children if they ever fall in headfirst.

Read more in our dedicated blog article: Do flotation devices (like PFD) protect against drowning?

Despite the mandatory protections

We restrict access to pools with the use of gates, alarms, covers, etc. but they generally stay open/disabled during the summer for practical reasons.

Whether it be to avoid accidental falls or unsupervised swims, we only count on adult supervision. Unfortunately, adults’ attention isn’t flawless. In most drowning cases, an adult was less than 20 metres (66 ft.) away.

Christelle's testimony (in French)

"The child is not conscious of the risk"

So it’s clear that, up to this day, something was lacking in children’s drowning prevention. And it’s with this reality in mind that we created Floatee, the anti-drowning T-shirt.

2. Our solution: the anti-drowning T-shirt!

An everyday


Worn by your child

to play out of the water

and protecting from the Sun!

The t-shirt part

...with an integrated

life jacket

It automatically inflates

if your child ends up in water

and ensures breathing!

The life jacket part
Drapeau français

and in line with

our core values

Made in France

Rechargeable and reusable

from 1 to 6 years

The life cycle

3. Several lives saved already!

Floatee certifié ISO 12402

Thanks to a european

certified product

Protocol based on the life jacket standard european norm (ISO 12402), the anti-drowning T-shirt is certified as a category 3 security equipment (the safest!)

Floatee, le tee-shirt anti-noyade médaille d'or du Concours Lépine 2023

Which received

multiple awards

Gold medal in Concours Lépine 2023, Innovation prize in MIF exhibition 2023, Impact prize in CIC Innov. Business Awards...

Adopted by

experts and parents

Rescuers, parents: they speak of the anti-drowning T-shirt!

See all reviews

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