Drowning is a major public health problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), drowning is one of the main causes of unintentional traumatic death. Here we explain which categories of people are affected and in what proportions, particularly in France, and how to protect them effectively.
In the summer of 2024, drowning in France increased by 41%, with 983 incidents, 268 of which were fatal. Adults accounted for 52% of cases, and young children 33% of summer drownings. The French public health authority ‘Santé Publique France’ recommends increased supervision of children and swimming lessons, and you can also opt for safety equipment such as anti-drowning T-shirts. Worldwide, drowning is the 3rd leading cause of death by trauma, affecting 300,000 people every year, especially in low-income countries. The WHO notes that the number of cases is underestimated and that there is a lack of reliable statistics, and identifies children aged 0-4 as the most vulnerable.
Worldwide drowning figures
What are the key facts on drowning?
According to the WHO, drowning is the third leading cause of death from unintentional injury, accounting for around 9% of deaths from this type of injury. Every year, more than 300,000 people die from drowning worldwide, although this figure is probably underestimated due to weaknesses in data collection.
Which categories of the population are most affected?
The most at-risk groups include:
- Children, especially those under the age of 5
- Adults regularly exposed to aquatic environments
- Populations in low- and middle-income countries, where safety infrastructures and preventive measures are often inadequate
How big is the problem worldwide?
In 2021, the WHO recorded around 300,250 deaths due to drowning, more than 90% of which were unintentional, due to a lack of access to adequate prevention and rescue infrastructures.
Some regions, such as the Western Pacific and South East Asia, have drowning rates up to 11 times higher than those observed in industrialised countries such as Germany or the UK. Although drowning is less common in developed than in developing countries, it remains a major public health problem in these nations. Indeed, these tragic accidents continue to represent one of the main causes of accidental death, and their impact remains significant on a national scale.
In developed countries, where safety infrastructures are generally more robust, you might think that the risk of drowning is reduced. However, mdespite preventive measures and access to modern equipment, drowning still occurs frequently. Whether in private pools, lakes, beaches or even domestic baths, there are many dangerous situations.
Although the statistics are lower than those for low-resource countries, they do attest to the seriousness of the issue. Young children, the elderly and people under the influence of alcohol or drugs are particularly vulnerable. But the reality of these accidents spares no one. Drowning remains a constant concern for health authorities, families and the general public.
So, in every country, preventing drowning requires constant vigilance, awareness-raising campaigns and appropriate infrastructures to guarantee everyone's safety. These accidents must not be underestimated, because each drowning, however frequent, represents a tragic loss of life.
Why are drowning statistics often underestimated?
As well as already being significantly high, official drowning figures may underestimate the scale of the problem for a number of reasons:
- Intentional deaths (suicides or homicides) and those linked to floods or maritime accidents are often excluded from the reports.
- Non-fatal drownings are rarely documented, particularly in low-income countries.
WHO studies estimate that drowning deaths are under-reported by up to 50% in some regions, making it difficult to assess their real impact.
What influence does age have on drowning worldwide?
Age is a key risk factor. Children under 5 have the highest drowning rates, followed by young people aged 5 to 14.
Some key data:
- In the Western Pacific region, drowning is the leading cause of death among children aged between 5 and 14.
- In 48 of the 85 countries studied by the WHO, it is one of the five main causes of infant mortality.
These statistics highlight the importance of targeting children in prevention strategies, particularly through safety measures around bodies of water and swimming education initiatives.
Below is the situation in France.
Drowning figures for France
Rising number of drownings in France: An alarming toll and the urgent need to step up prevention
France is particularly hard hit: according to a national report by Santé Publique France, the summer of 2024 saw a worrying 41% increase in the number of drownings in France.
Between 1 June and 21 August, 983 drownings were recorded, 268 of them fatal. These figures demonstrate the importance of stepping up prevention measures.
Adults account for 52% of drownings, children under 6 for 33% and 6-17 year olds for 16%.
This report highlights the urgent need to raise awareness of safety issues around bodies of water and to improve the supervision of water sports activities.
The figures from Santé Publique France (in French):

What preventive measures can be taken to avoid drowning?
Swimming, bathing time
Swimming involves risks, not only in the water, but also around it. Accidents can happen outside the water, such as falls on slippery surfaces near pools or beaches, causing injury and trauma. In addition, underwater currents, unexpected waves or invisible obstacles can also pose a danger. So it's vital to remain vigilant, secure areas near water and always follow safety instructions to prevent accidents.
A few simple steps can help ensure safety. Tips:
For children- Active supervision: never take your eyes off young children in and around water, and appoint a responsible adult.
- Early learning: get children into swimming lessons from an early age.
- Follow safety instructions: favour supervised areas and check the weather conditions.
- Avoid alcohol: do not drink alcohol before swimming.
- Gradual entry into the water: enter the water slowly to avoid thermal shock.
When not swimming or bathing
To ensure the safety of your children and adults, there are safety devices like the anti-drowning T-shirt. For children, this anti-drowning T-shirt is automatically activated if they fall into the water, saving them in less than 5 seconds.
It's important to remember that the risk of drowning is not limited to moments of swimming. Children under the age of 6, in particular, are often involved in accidents outside the water. These tragedies often occur when parents' attention is momentarily diverted. In a matter of seconds, a child can escape their parents' vigilance and find themselves in danger, in places such as swimming pools or lakeshores.
Adults, who are also vulnerable, tend to drown in natural environments, such as during outdoor activities. In the summer of 2024, numerous cases of drowning among adults were reported, underlining the importance of safety equipment.
Floatee offers two versions of this anti-drowning T-shirt for adults. The first version is manually activated: simply pull the trigger in the event of danger (fatigue, discomfort, cramp), and the T-shirt inflates to keep the wearer on the surface of the water during water sports activities such as surfing, kayaking, waterwandering, paddle boarding, etc.
The other version is automatically activated, using a soluble sensor. This T-shirt activates if you accidentally fall into the water, whether fishing or on a pleasure boat. These solutions are essential to ensure everyone's safety when out on the water.
In conclusion, don't underestimate the risk of drowning! It remains one of the major causes of death worldwide and in France, as specified in studies by the WHO and Santé Publique France. Fortunately, there are life-saving solutions within your reach, both before and after swimming, including constant adult supervision, swimming lessons and anti-drowning T-shirts.
Sources (mainly in French):
- https://www.who.int/fr/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drowning
- https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/surveillance-des-noyades-durant-l-ete-2024
- https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/sante/noyades-un-ete-2024-particulierement-meurtrier
- https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/vacances-nombre-deces-noyade-fortement-augmente
- https://ffmns.fr/bilan-des-noyades-en-france-analyse-et-recommandations-de-la-ffmns-pour-lete-2024/