How to fly with Floatee

How to fly with Floatee onboard

Advices and documents to prepare to easily bring your Floatee with you.

It is important to read the whole webpage carefully, as not all airport staff are properly trained on below matter.

Can I fly with my anti-drowning T-shirt?

Yes, the international regulation authorizes each passenger to travel with an anti-drowning T-shirt with maximum 2 additional recharges on top of the one already installed on the T-shirt. More information on IATA documentation available below, section "Gas cartridges, small, non-flammable".

In case of need, you can also directly consult the IATA website:

In theory, the anti-drowning T-shirt can travel in checked luggage or hand/carry-on luggage. However, we strongly advise you to prefer checked luggage to avoid any problem with non-trained personnel.

Also, each airline has its own rules (see below).

🚨 In case of real blockage with a personnel not correctly trained and despite our documentation, please leave only CO2 cartridge at the airport (remove the inflatable part from the textile part and simply unscrew the CO2 cartridge, then leave ONLY the CO2 cartridge to the airport personnel and KEEP the inflatable and textile parts with you).

Documents to prepare for airport security

Print our document corresponding to your product

- Document for Floatee child version (link)

- Document for Floatee adult manual version (link)

- Document for Floatee adult automatic version (link)

so that you can:

1) Put it close to the anti-drowning T-shirt if in checked luggage

2) Present it during airport security check if in hand/carry-on luggage

The Floatee anti-drowning t-shirts are of the same category as of standard life jackets (each CO2 cartridge weighs 16 or 20 grams only).

You can also print one of the above mentioned IATA documents, in the language of your destination or in English by default, and indicate to the security agent that this equipment enters into "Gas cartridges, small, non-flammable [for] self-inflating personal safety device".

Regarding airlines

Although life jacket equipment is authorized onboard, each airline has its own rules regarding the load of life jackets in airplanes.

Air France requires to be notified 48h in advance: link to Air France rules

Easy Jet does not require specific notification in advance: link to Easy Jet rules

We advise you to check with your selected airline (online or by phone) its applicable rules.

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